Details coming soon

Join your local Cincinnati Chapter of getWITit for a day of leadership, learning and connection! Join us!

getWITit aspires to cultivate local community engagement so that women can sustain, excel, and advance in technology careers. WITCON 2023 will deliver on just that! This year, we’re excited to announce an in-person conference event with a focus on bringing Women in Technology together for a day of leadership, learning and connection.

Opening Keynote

Girls Just Wanna Do Tech: Empowering to Take on Leadership in Tech and STEM Fields

Dr. Whitney B. Gaskins
Associate Dean, University of Cincinnati/Founder, The Gaskins Foundation

In this workshop, we will focus on women who are dealing with managing the balance between managing professional and personal lives in tech and STEM fields.  This workshop will discuss the importance of self-care and loving one another to overcome implicit bias, micro-aggression and micro-assault.“ Women (in STEM fields) in particular need to keep an eye on their physical and mental health, because if we’re scurrying to and from appointments and errands, we don’t have a lot of time to take care of ourselves…” Michelle Obama. This forum is an opportunity for participants to come together and create opportunities to bring about change in their communities and set positive examples for other women in need.


Become a Sponsor

Our mission is to inspire more women to enter the field of technology by building a supportive environment where those women can flourish and create opportunities for more women to ascend into leadership roles. As we are a non-profit, we rely on the help of external sponsors to help us unite, support, and promote diversity in tech throughout the Cincinnati region.

Interested in getting Involved? Send all sponsorship inquiries to: